Please see the below important links, as well as further below, extracts from those links. The extracts may help with outlining what work can take place.

7 day Circuit Breaker Summary document to view click here

Acting Premier’s Announcement to view click here

Stay at home unless:

  • Shopping for necessary goods and services (one person per household, once per day, a support person can accompany if required)

  • Caregiving or compassionate reasons

  • Authorised work or permitted education, or work interstate

  • Exercise (up to two hours, with one other person or members of your household)

  • Receive a vaccination


Essential retail: Open, DQ 1 per 4sqm

Other/general retail: Closed (open for contactless click and collect only)

The following businesses can open under circuit breaker restrictions. If their employees are unable to work from home they can leave home to attend work. -

  • vehicle and mechanical repair services; or

  • a ‘click and collect’ service

Authorised Workers - Any person who performs work that is essential for the continued operation of:

  • Retail goods workers supporting the operation of click and collect or click and deliver orders; or

  • A factory or facility that is not able to be shut down without causing damage or loss to plant and equipment, but only those operations that are necessary in order to prevent that damage or loss; or

  • Administrative services provided by an employer to enable its employees to work from home; or

  • Freight services (including postal and courier services); or • a transport, freight or logistics driver; or

  • All manufacturing; or

  • Maritime crew.
