New Board Member Elected

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Stuart Buckingham was elected to the BIAV Board at an SGM on Monday 2 December. Stuart, a long time member of the boating industry and community, is the owner/director of Outboard Spares, a Carrum based specialist in all things outboard. Stuart was elected by his peers in the Chandlery, Services and Associations division at the SGM which was conducted at BIAV House in South Melbourne. The mid-term Board vacancy was the result of Mark Crockford (Nautilus Marine Insurance) departing Nautilus and therefore no longer being eligible to be a Board member, representing the division. The term of Stuart’s election is therefore through until the April AGM when all elected positions are either renewed or re-contested.

President David Meehan congratulated Stuart on his election to the Board. He also thanked Leon Pompei for his willingness to serve as a Board member, and again recognised the outgoing division representative, and former President, Mark Crockford.

24 York St Future

In other SGM news, members showed overwhelming support for a Recommendation with regard to the association’s property at 24 York St. CEO Steve Walker and Board Member Daved Lambert spoke to the recommendation which in summary, gives the go ahead for the association to have architect plans prepared and submitted to Council, that would maximise the potential of the site. At a later stage these plans may then be acted upon and the site developed. Steve Walker commented “Having these plans prepared and approved will give future options for BIAV. The idea is to maximise the value of the site and at some stage to utilise the asset to best benefit the industry and members. An additional major revenue stream is one such potential benefit.” It was acknowledged that no final decision was made to redevelop the site, however future options including re-development would be considered by members at what would be ‘stage 2’ of this process.
