Port Phillip and Western Port Boating Infrastructure Management Review
Individual industry members and the boating community have the chance to contribute to the Port Phillip and Western Port Boating Infrastructure Management Review. Deloitte are conducting this on behalf of Better Boating Victoria. You may wish to have a read, and then contribute.
BIAV has been consulted in the initial stages of this process. Some of the main things we aimed to point out and influence were, and are –
The importance of the hypothecated fund. Noting that this is highlighted in the discussion paper as one of the key features of the strong NSW model. Its also a vitally important election outcomes that the government remain committed to.
The need for improved overall governance and management which we believe requires a well-resourced and equipped central authority. This authority would collect all boating fees, manage the hypothecated fund, take a strategic approach to its usage, oversee all capital expenditure, delegate to local contractors for day to day management, manage data collection and distribution, manage environmental issues in relation to boating facilities, be a central point for boater communications, and oversee boating related education and safety.
Reduce the number of entities currently managing boating facilities. As a result provide consistency and eliminate some of the duplications. This includes removing non-experts and those with conflicting tasks from committee of management roles.
Remove the conflict that can exist between differing government departments and agencies that influence boating outcomes such as DELWP, PV, Melbourne Water and TSV.
Recognise Australian Standards and best practice with regard to boat ramp provision and in particular note the Car Trailer Unit (CTU) requirements, traffic flow needs, and the maximising of parking over-flow opportunities.
Acknowledge the benefits that will flow to boaters, to lifestyle and liveability, as well as to industry and jobs, when this is successfully achieved.
Please see the Discussion Paper at the below link noting the feedback period concludes on 10 January. https://getinvolved.transport.vic.gov.au/boatingreview