BIAV has made a brief contribution to City of Kingston’s survey in relation to PWC (jetski) usage. It went something like this …….. There is no need for additional regulation. The rules and regulations are very good and clear. There could however be more enforcement to catch out the minority that do the wrong thing. The safety case for jet skis is actually quite strong and the incidence of collision, accidents, injury, hospitalisations and death, is very low. Lower than a very long list of recreation activities, on a per user basis. It is safer than table tennis, pony riding and football. etc. There is no safety case for a change of the regulations.

If you are part of the fastest growing group of recreational boaters, and you are making the most of these relatively affordable family fun vessels, you might like to complete this survey and help balance the argument, as BIAV has attempted to do. Click here to register and take part.
