MAY22 UPDATE - NEW DATES for the Melbourne Boat Show 20-23 October 2022, Docklands

Melbourne Boat Show 2022
YES, 2022!

Early planning and the ordering of stock will be essential. Business and boat show certainty depends on your early booking.

Do Not Delay. Book Now.

The initial response to the 2022 Melbourne Boat Show announcement has been very strong.

“The rate at which exhibitors have been rolling their 2021 installments into 2022 deposits has been outstanding” said BIAV CEO Steve Walker. “As well as that, every single respondent so far, to the request to make a minimum $5,000 deposit for 2022, has agreed to do so. It is really gaining momentum” Walker said, adding, “This is a great sign for the event, and most importantly for planning. Not only for Exhibitors themselves, however also for their suppliers, and for the BIAV as organiser.”

Planning, and in particular ordering the required stock is going to be crucial for success at this event and as reported last week, BIAV is pushing ahead to finalise participating Exhibitors for the 2022 Show with a view to lock in all Exhibitors by end of March 2021.

The hot market for boats and boating is expected to continue through the year and well into next year. The 2022 Show has the potential to be enormous and for Exhibitors to make the most of it and really capitalise on the market, and all of the new people coming into it, the earlier, and the better the planning, the more the chances of success.

Boat Show appetite is already strong and that is expected to continue to escalate as the ‘regulars’ yearn for a boat show opportunity, and new people coming to the market do the same. Recent evidence in Perth, Adelaide and Gold Coast saw record crowds at similar events and really good results achieved for exhibitors.

To view the Invitation to Exhibit, click here.
To Apply for Exhibitor Space, click here.
To view all Exhibitor Information, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact -
Steve Walker | | 0466 918 368
Millie Kelly | | 0424 451 996
