Williamstown Maritime Precinct Framework - Virtual Community Consultation (Get Involved)
The State Government, recently announced funding and the appointment of consultants to prepare a Williamstown Maritime Precinct Framework.
The Framework will build on previous planning (Parks Victoria’s Williamstown Foreshore Strategic Plan 2010 ) and align with the Coastal Management plan being developed by the local council and the Port of Melbourne’s 2050 Port Development strategy. The Framework focus will include:
• improving public amenity and access
• activating community spaces
• strengthening local communities
• identifying commercial opportunities
A wide number of local Williamstown stakeholders have been actively liaising with our Local Member Melissa Horne who is the responsible Minister (Minister for Ports and Freight/Minister for Fishing and Boating) the consultants GHD, and the Boating Industry Association Victoria. The stakeholders group includes yacht clubs, local businesses and maritime associations all of which have an interest in the development of Williamstown as a strong maritime focused precinct.
As a Hobsons Bay community group, we are keen to see the framework recognize the following priorities:
Restoration and enhancement of maritime facilities (much of the marine infrastructure is in serious disrepair).
Improved on water access and boating facilities making Williamstown a boating destination of first choice.
Recognition of historical importance of Hobsons Bay and protection/restoration of historic structures including recognition of First Peoples history.
Provide a safe harbor for current boating facilities. This will include, but is not limited to, addressing the incidence of wave surge, dredging and dealing with silt and depth issues, safety in general, and improved navigational aids.
Get Involved – Have your say!
There are two main opportunities to get involved and express your support for rebuilding Hobson’s Bay including:
The Department of Transport has a community engagement website at this link: https://getinvolved.transport.vic.gov.au/williamstown-maritime-precinct
The Department is also holding a virtual Townhall. Join in the discussion on Sept 17 at 5:00pm - 6:30pm to learn more about the project, chat with specialists and ask questions. You can register for this event here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/williamstown-maritime-precinct-virtual-open-house-tickets-119573568763