BIAV Members will be well aware that yesterday, 3 August, the Premier made a major announcement in relation to workplace arrangements. This is summarised in the Government Stage 4 document here.
BIAV is making a case to government that supports business continuing wherever possible, and has put forward a suite of questions to the government, directly to the Minister. Some responses are expected today.
Some things are clear. There are however several grey areas and queries. And some inconsistencies between differing industries.
The questions are in areas relating to –

  • Retailers and in what non-contact (online) circumstances they can trade

  • Wholesalers and in what circumstances they can trade

  • Servicing and in what circumstances this can take place

  • Marinas and Work yards and what functions are allowable

  • Manufacturing and what can take place including what exemptions can be sought.

  • Orders already in place with the assumption that these must be fulfilled

  • Transport/Delivery/Freight and what can and must continue by road and by water

  • Admin/General and what office situations can remain open including under the sole operator scenario

 As soon as responses filter through, an update will be provided to you.
