As all BIAV members are no doubt aware, on Sunday 2 August, the Premier has declared a State of Disaster for Melbourne.
This means Stage 4 restrictions for Melbourne and Stage 3 restrictions for Regional Victoria.
We have been in immediate contact with the Minister and the Better Boating Victoria CEO. This has been to seek clarity with regard to the below, and we will provide further updates to you as soon as possible.

To view the State Government’s SUMMARY OF RESTRICTIONS – MOVE TO STAGE 4
as of 6PM 2 AUGUST 2020, please click here.
Meanwhile, our understanding is –


For Melbourne              
Recreational activities such as fishing, golf, boating, tennis, surfing and drive range shooting are not allowed.

For Regional Victoria     
Outdoor sport is only allowed to exercise, or activities such as fishing, golf, boating, tennis, surfing allowed with one other person or household members, provided 1.5 metre distance can be maintained.

Further Clarity
BIAV seeks further clarity for Melbourne with regard to boating type activities that can be done alone or with one other, within one hour, and within 5km from home (e.g. windsurfing, sailing, paddle).

BIAV Position
BIAV understands the need for restrictions and a sensible approach to tackling the crisis. However notes that at the first possible opportunity boating and fishing restrictions should be reviewed for the following main reasons –

  • Boating/Fishing is naturally isolating and safe.

  • Boating/Fishing is people’s exercise and mental wellness.

  • Business Survival / Jobs - the effect last time when activity was banned was immediate and drastic.


For Melbourne
Markets and shopping centres are open, subject to density quotient, but people can only visit for necessary goods and services. BIAV assumes this extends to boat dealers, service centres, chandleries etc. However will seek clarity.

For Regional Victoria
Other retail are open, subject to density quotient, but people can only visit for necessary goods and services.

Further Clarity
BIAV seeks further clarity in both scenarios and will update as soon as possible.

  • Further clarity is also sought with regard to dispatch, delivery, freight and interstate/inter-region transportation of goods including boats.

BIAV Position
BIAV for a range of reasons supports these businesses remaining open. These include, however are not limited to –

  • An important safety case. Providing flares, epirbs and other safety equipment.

  • To keep servicing going so when restrictions ease, boats will be safe.

  • Servicing can be done with nil or minimal person to person contact.

  • These businesses can operate safely and within COVID requirements.

  • Pipeline of this work. Orders have been placed, must be filled etc.

  • Servicing cannot afford to ‘back-log’. It will never catch up.

  • Business Survival / Jobs - the effect last time was immediate and drastic.


We are awaiting the Premier’s announcements later today with regard to business and manufacturing. BIAV would be of the view that the manufacturers in the boating industry have been operating in a COVID complaint manner and that this would continue in Stage 3 for Regional Victoria and Stage 4 for Melbourne.


There has been immediate media speculation regarding additional Victorian specific stimulus and support. BIAV will continue to monitor this and share all opportunities with members. BIAV will do all it can to make government aware of what impact these restrictions will have on the industry, and jobs, as was the dire case during the April – June lockdown.
