The legislation to create the Better Boating Fund, which will re-invest every dollar of boating registration and licencing fees back into recreational boating, has passed in the Legislative Council.

The Better Boating Fund, a 2018 election commitment, will see more investment to make sure boat ramps are maintained properly, education programs are funded, and more promotion is done to increase boating participation. Each year the details of the amount collected from marine licencing and registration fees will be reported to Parliament, as will a breakdown of which recreational boating projects were funded and for how much.

BIAV is very pleased to see the Fund established and to see its passage through both houses of the Victorian Parliament, accompanied by multiple assurances by the Boating Minister Melissa Horne, former Minister and now government Leader in the Upper House Jaala Pulford, and at least a dozen of their colleagues, with regard to every cent of boating fees going into the Fund. BIAV congratulates the government and Minister Horne on this legislation, on the establishment of the Better Boating Fund, as well as the plans to strategically deliver for Victorian boaters.

For further details and the Premier’s Office press release – click here.
