For Immediate Release
28th May 2019

Victorian State Budget Delivers $47.2M Recreational Boating Bonanza

The Boating Industry Association of Victoria (BIAV) is delighted with recreational boating investments contained in the 2019-20 Victorian State Budget.

“The Andrews Labor Government has delivered an unprecedented level of investment,” said Steve Walker, CEO of BIAV.

“A $39.6 million investment targeting much needed boating infrastructure improvements is coupled with a $7.6 million investment to abolish State-wide boat ramp fees and review boating infrastructure management on our Bays”

“This once in a generation investment will see recreational boating bloom across Victorian waters due to boating access, infrastructure, management and maintenance improvements”

“The boating industry will rejoice at this investment announcement and the future industry growth it will deliver”

“The Labor State Government are delivering on their promises to recreational boaters and our industry”

“This is the third tick out of the four we need. The State Government’s proposed amendment to ensure the full return of regulated marine fees occurs every year is expected to go through parliament around September”

“The money is now there and the BIAV will continue our work with Better Boating Victoria to deliver better boating outcomes for all Victorians,” said Steve Walker.

The Boating Industry Association of Victoria (BIAV) was formed in 1961 and has over 220 members. The marine industry in Victoria contributes $4.5 billion to the state economy and employs over 17,700 FTE.


Media enquiries contact:
Ben Scullin
Advocacy Manager
Ph: (03) 8696-5600
