Position Statement
Frankston Safe Boating Refuge - Olivers Hill Boat Ramp
The Volunteer Coast Guard acknowledges the lack of a safe boat refuge and a base for search and rescue operations in Frankston, and the coastal area that VF1 protects. A movement to address this is underway and has the support of Frankston City Council, BIAV, VR Fish, TTTAF and the Water Police.
There is of great concern to Volunteer Coast Guard with regard to safety for those launching boats, as well as the lack of a base to store the rescue fleet. Other supporters, including BIAV share these concerns, as well as concerns around the negative impact on boating activity and demand.
Supporters of a safe boating refuge acknowledge the recent improvements to the actual boat ramp, however note its inadequacies, non-protection from most wind and tidal impacts, and its inefficiencies. And the resulting under-utilisation.
VFI has instigated a written, as well as an on-line petition, to gain further community and political support for the project. (Link below) VFI is also leading a committee, of which BIAV is a part, to further the project.
BIAV supports the call for the safe boating refuge and for government support for the project.
BIAV recognises in particular the safety aspects of the project, however also the boating, economic and lifestyle benefits that it will provide.
BIAV is disturbed by the current under-utilisation of the facility. Further, BIAV is alarmed by the response time for Volunteer Coast Guard call-outs, due to there being no on-site berthing for the rescue vessel/s.
BIAV supports the public petitions and will share it via its e-news, social media and website. BIAV also supported the written petition, with it being promoted at the recent Melbourne Boat Show.
BIAV congratulates VF1 at Frankston for their decades of service to the boating industry and community and currently for leading this vital project.
Council Summary:
This council summary provides a concise update (Nov 2018) as to this project and important proposed project for boating in Victoria
Notes the proposed concept designs for a safe boat refuge at Olivers Hill and a Frankston Coast Guard building at Olivers Hill;
Authorise Council officers to commence consultation with the wider community and interested groups on the proposed works with the outcomes of the consultation to be reported back at a Council meeting in February 2019;
Notes the draft preliminary environment and planning assessment undertaken by KBR which sets out the further technical assessments required to inform the environmental and planning approvals process for the project;
Supports the total estimated project cost of approximately $24M (subject to further investigations) and proposes the following funding contributions: · Council Pledge $8M; · State Government ask $8M; and · Federal Government ask $8M.
Notes the completion of the project within the identified timelines depends on funding being secured from State and Federal Government; and Requests the Australian Volunteer Coastguard to make an appropriate contribution towards the project.
December 2020 -
We have now loaded the OurSay online survey in relation to the Olivers Hill project. The BIAV encourage you to have a look at the website and complete the survey.
Direct Link to the online survey: https://oursay.org/frankston-city-council/olivers-hill
November 2019 -
• Frankston City Council has written to the Andrews State Government
Reference: FCC (Nov 18th) Letter to the Hon Jaala Pulford MP, Minister for Fishing and Boating
October 2019 -
Frankston City Council considered the Coast Guard and Safe Boat Refuge Options Assessment with the following outcomes:
Commits $400,000 to undertake fit out and associated building works to the first floor of the Frankston Yacht Club facility to provide permanent accommodation for FCG
Rescinds Council’s prior $8M financial pledge (resolved at Ordinary Meeting 19 November 2018) towards the project, without any future commitment at this time, except for the $400,000
Notes Council officers will now forward the detailed technical assessments to the State and Federal Government to consider the outcomes and provide its further advice on the project
Reference: Frankston Council Agendas and Minutes 2019