Last week, the Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne released the final Williamstown Local Port Area Plan, promising an improved facility to benefit the local community, captivate visitors, and delight boaters.
The plan includes directions to:
· Ensure the piers and jetties are fit for purpose and able to adapt to future needs.
· Restore access to Workshops Pier to enable further activation of the Seaworks precinct to become the home of living maritime heritage, while the removal of Commissioners Jetty will enhance access to other piers.
· Dredge the fairways to several piers to provide safer navigable waters to Williamstown.
· Progress the recent Wave Wash and Surge Study recommendations, including the proposed modification and expansion to the 5-knot zone.
· Explore an artificial reef to reduce wave impact, improve water quality, and enhance marine habitat, with support from community stakeholders.
· Community consultation on the draft plan ran from 31 August to 30 September 2023 on Engage Victoria, with 102 survey and written responses combined received.
BIAV welcomes the plan and the above Directions, noting in particular the recent Wave Wash and Surge Study being listed. Noted also was the Key Themes and in regards to the Surge Study as follows - Addressing wave surge caused by increased traffic is essential for safety and functionality, and more measures are desired. BIAV is please to see this key theme and does hope to see more focus in this area of the plan.
To read more about the plan that aims to benefit the local community, captivate visitors, and delight boaters, please click here.