Boat Dealerships that sell boats with imported trailers – Requirements and Responsibilities.

Trailer Manufacturers – Requirements and Responsibilities.

 BIAV invites you to a session on Zoom in relation to the looming trailer standard deadline.

The Zoom session is 10am next Wednesday 15 March. Here’s the link

The guest consultants will be Stephen Grech and Toby Cook from Doing Business Better.

As well as covering off on the requirements of manufacturers, there will also be a focus on Boat Dealerships that sell boats with imported trailers,and their level of responsibility.The new regulations and standards that will impact ALL manufacturers and importers of Low ATM Trailers (Trailers) come into effect from 1 July 2023.

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If you are not yet fully prepared - Start here with the Australian Government two-minute explanatory video.

This applies even if you import a boat with a trailer under it. In that scenario you are now deemed the manufacturer of the trailer under the boat. If any of these scenarios describes part of your business, please read on with attention as the clock is ticking and there is a need to take action to ensure compliance and the ability to continue to trade after 30 June 2023.

More information is available at the Federal Government Transport Department.

If you require consultant level expertise or advice please email to be put in touch.
