Lake Eildon is at capacity in terms of water level and is looking great, the holiday boom season is fast approaching, and the boating industry in the area is strong.

Photographed (5th from the left) is BIAV CEO Steve Walker along with a great crew of industry representatives from the Eildon area house boat network, on site at Lake Eildon Marina. Steve updated the group on a range of statewide industry issues, ranging from skills shortages, infrastructure challenges that BBV are addressing, and boating promotion. The success of the recent Melbourne Boat Show, and the prospects for a future Lake Eildon Showcase were also covered. BIAV was further updated with issues relating to greywater treatment, and the quest for additional houseboat licenses on the lake.

LEHIA President Mike Dalmau (3rd from the right) was re-elected president for a further year, with Darren Withoos again his deputy. Mike spoke very positively about the local industry, linking that to the statewide industry strength that Steve had also referred to.
