The BIAV Annual General Meeting was successfully conducted on Tuesday 23 June. President David Meehan and CEO Steve Walker hosted the event from the BIAV office in South Melbourne, however, on the Zoom audio/visual platform for all other attendees.

In his report David reflected on the successes of 2019, however did note that the months since had been very challenging due to the COVID-19 scenario. David emphasised the strong financial result of 2019, the good relations across the membership, and the general positivity of the industry. David went on to thank all members, the CEO and staff, his follow Board members and all committee members. David singled out his predecessor Mark Crockford and recognised his time as President, and Alistair Murray, who was finishing as a Board member at this AGM.

The CEO endorsed David’s comments adding success factors for 2019 including the outstanding membership growth, another successful Melbourne Boat Show, the new Lake Eildon event, and excellent member activities and satisfaction levels. He too thanked all stakeholders for a great 2019, referencing that it had since proven to be a good platform for the challenges of 2020.

In terms of Board elections, the following five people were elected unopposed. David Meehan (Manufacturers and Wholesalers division), Stuart Buckingham (Chandlery, Associations and Services), Scott O’Hare (Marinas and Clubs), Rohan Veal (Boat Dealers) and John Temple (Life Members). After the election Steve Walker congratulated the elected Board members and advised that the two appointed Board positions would be filled by Daved Lambert (continuing) and Neil James (new, replacing Alistair Murray). See article Board Welcomes Neil James.

Within the required 30-day period of the AGM the Board met and the elected Board members unanimously elected David Meehan to continue as President, and Rohan Veal to continue as Vice-President.
