Last Updated: 09/04/20 2:00 pm

The Victorian Government has issued a media release in relation to boat ramp and marine infrastructure closure. Click here to see it in full.

This of course relates to the COVID-19 crisis, the need to keep everyone safe, and the four main reasons why people are permitted to leave their home.

You would be well aware that BIAV is respecting all COVID-19 related social distancing and other requirements, and is grateful for the government’s efforts and thoroughness. At the same time however we are seeking sensible measures that will keep the boating industry open and give it the best chance of survival.

Whilst there is a long way to go in tackling the crisis and keeping the industry going, BIAV is pleased with the below reference within the media release –
Commercial shipping, commercial boating, land, port and waterway management functions and emergency access are exempt from these restrictions.

Further to this, within the FAQ section which can be viewed at this link, there is specific reference to boat testing and demonstration being allowed if in a commercial setting.
Industry members should note that whatever commercial activity is being undertaken, that it be deemed as essential. This may be for safety, warranty, insurance or urgent maintenance purposes, and it must be something that cannot be delayed. Evidence as to this may be requested by authorities.
In the short term, and ideally just after Easter, we hope to get even greater clarity around the reference to commercial boating and what is specifically allowed.
The government COVID hotline can be contacted on 1800 675 398 if anyone has a grey area they seek clarity on.
We hope that over the next couple of weeks that the curve continues to improve and at the right time our boating community can return to recreational boating.
Meanwhile, we wish everyone the best possible Easter and given that you can’t go boating, please spend the time dreaming about your next boating adventure.
