Dear All,

BIAV continues to be positive with regard to the RACV Marine Melbourne Boat Show and its planning. The Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre maintains its position of being Open for Business and Welcoming Guests. That said, we remain watchful with regard to COVID-19 and in particular to what authorities are recommending, and what is happening with regard to other major events and gatherings. So in summary, we are being positive but watchful. Exhibitors have been assured that if things change for any reason, there will not be financial burden on them. All exhibitors that have been in contact have indicated support of this approach. Like BIAV, they are hoping that the landscape reaches its low point soon, and then starts to correct. We will remain watchful and keep communicating with our members/exhibitors.

Meanwhile from an operational perspective it is largely business as usual. The office remains open. Simple expectations are; regular provision and use of hand sanitiser, heightened hygiene adherence, avoidance of non-essential travel and meetings, openness with regard to recent travel or contact with at-risk people, and, avoidance of kiss/hug/handshake type greetings.

For further expert advice of a general nature, visit the Victorian Government website here.


Steve Walker
