Maritime Safety Victoria (MSV) does have concerns regarding the level of compliance of industry with the requirements of the Australian Builders Plate (ABP) Standard. This includes the awareness of having to fit the plate right through to the manner in which the calculations to determine the maximum figures are carried out.
In late 2017 MSV provided guidance to manufacturers and dealers and conducted audits at a number of dealerships to ascertain the level of compliance with the ABP Standard within the industry. There were a range of issues evident, including how visible the plate is to the driver, along with what masses are used for engines and personnel when calculating the maximum permissible load, as well as a lack of clarity on what standard had been used to calculate figures presented on plates.
This work will continue in 2018 with a view to improving the level of compliance. If there are models that have inconsistent values on the plate, MSV will ask for evidence that the calculations are consistent with the relevant standard.
MSV is working with the other state authorities to improve awareness of the ABP within industry. Our work aligns with our Regulatory Approach Policy that includes providing guidance and working collaboratively with stakeholders in addition to taking action where regulated parties are not complying with their safety duties under the Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic). This work enhancing accuracy of the ABP in the new vessel market also provides manufacturers and dealers with a method of satisfying their safety duties (in Victoria) of providing safe vessels and appropriate information to consumers.