Early Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Updates
March to August 2020
13/08/20 2:00pm
As well as the various items and links that have been circulated to BIAV Members about what is permitted in Retail, Manufacturing, Wholesale and Transport, please note -
This link to Department of Health and Human Services stage 4 Restrictions page relating to Permitted Work Premises includes this important wording –
To avoid doubt, the following are Permitted Work Premises in the following circumstances: Ancillary and support businesses are able to open on-site to ensure the necessary production, supply, manufacture, repair, maintenance, cleaning, security, wholesale, distribution, transportation or sale of equipment, goods or services required for the operations of a Permitted Work Premises, or for Closed Work Premises where there are safety or environmental obligations. The business cannot operate on-site for any other purpose. Ancillary and support businesses are defined as those businesses that are necessary for the operation of the permitted industry.
A dedicated Industry Coordination Centre has been set up within the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions to support businesses and consider uncertain cases to determine if businesses can safely operate under Stage 4 restrictions. To discuss your business, please call Business Victoria on 13 22 15.
Under these restrictions, businesses in Melbourne can only operate for on-site operations if they are a Permitted Work Premises. See the Stage Four Sector Guidance for each sector -
BIAV continues to seek further clarification and answers from government in areas relating to Servicing, Marina yard work, Private inspection of boats on moorings and in marinas, Fit-out, Distribution, Moving people and/or boats between stage 4 and stage 3 areas, and some other Warehousing queries. As clarifications and answers arrive, members will be updated.
13/08/20 2:00pm
Our partners, HR Advice Online, have provided an update for us to pass on to you, our members, in relation to managing COVID-19 from an employer perspective.
The information provided is general in nature, should you wish to receive specific advice for your business, please contact HR Advice Online via email or 1300 720 004.
06/08/20 1:30pm
Further to this morning’s E-News, this Updated Government Document here has been provided, inclusive of further clarification as to what are Permitted Work Premises. This has been updated by the Government overnight.
Several BIAV members will be specifically interested in the Manufacturing section, as well as the Transport, Postal and Warehousing section. It would appear to strengthen the case that they are Permitted Work Premises.
To the best of our knowledge this does not change any previous Q&A information previously provided in relation to Retail, Servicing, Marinas or other areas.
Further grey areas and additional questions continue to be worked through.
And in case you missed it, click here to see this morning’s E-News which will clearly outline the main three steps if you are continuing to work on-site.
06/08/20 10:45am
BIAV members that are intending to continue on-site work, in Melbourne, under the current Stage 4 restrictions must -
> Be sure that you are entitled to do so.
The state government table at this link outlines examples of workplaces that are closed for on-site work, open for on-site work with a COVID Safe Plan, and where there are restricted operations or industry specific obligations.
A more general summary of things that are permitted in Melbourne for Stage 4, and Regional Victoria for Stage 3 are at this link.
Note - These links have been previously circulated to members.
> Have a valid COVIDsafe Plan
> Have Permitted Worker Permits in place for all involved workers
Several boating industry specific questions, affirmations and clarifications have been asked of government. Many of these have had written responses. Other responses are pending and we will continue to update members when the responses come through. Government are working hard to respond as quickly as possible and we thank the Minister Hon Melissa Horne and the Better Boating Victoria CEO Gary Gaffney for this. Thanks also to those industry members that took part in the BIAV/Government video conference on Wednesday in what was a very helpful Q&A forum.
To view the most recent suite of government answered questions/affirmations please see the below item.
04/08/2020 8:10pm
The Victorian Government has made some considerable progress with regard to BIAV’s industry related questions/affirmations, in relation to COVID stage 4 restrictions. You can see below the questions/affirmations that have been positively responded to. Further below however, remain some of the unanswered questions that we will continue to work through.
It is important and indeed compulsory to implement COVID Safe Plans if you intend to operate, and you can operate. These have been provided by the government -
Please make sure to fully comply with these requirements during the six-weeks of stage 4.
Working on site is permitted to handle all on-line business with non-contact pick-up of goods. We understand this is allowed.
Allowed but with enhanced High Risk COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions All Sectors and Retail Trade Goods
Fulfilling current orders and taking delivery of already ordered items. Presume allowed. Please confirm.
Allowed but with enhanced High Risk COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions All Sectors and Retail Trade Goods (Contactless Delivery)
Products required by safety agencies and businesses that supply essential services. Eg fish (food supply)
Allowed but with enhanced High Risk COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions All Sectors
Can a supplier for essential goods/services for Aquaculture / commercial fishing remain open and carry on safe practices? Our understanding is yes. Please confirm.
Allowed but with COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Can a supplier for essential services for water police, Army , Navy etc remain open? Our understanding is yes. Please confirm
Allowed but with enhanced High Risk COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions Manufacturing
Service for any emergency or essential service vessels remains allowed. Please confirm.
Allowed but with COVID Safe Plans. Transport, Postal and Warehousing
Vessels currently mid-service should be able to be completed. Please confirm.
Allowed but with COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions Transport, Postal and Warehousing
A backlog of service has the potential for a major safety issue after the six-weeks. Servicing should continue.
Allowed but with COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions Transport, Postal and Warehousing
However please note unanswered question 2 below.
Marina staff and boat owners that must access boats for emergency and essential matters can do so. Please confirm.
Allowed but with COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions Transport, Other Services
Marina staff accessing for maintenance / preventative environmental reasons. Presume so. Please confirm.
Allowed but with COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions Transport, Other Services
Marinas providing staff for emergency response capability in the event of medical emergency, fire, oil spill, vessel sinking or the like. Please confirm.
Allowed but with COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions Transport, Other Services.
Marinas providing staff for supervision and protection of the vessels stored within the marina.
Allowed but with COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions Transport, Other Services.
Fuel services should remain open and supported in the case of emergency and essential services. Please confirm.
Allowed but with COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions Transport, Other Services
Boats for sale in marinas and at on-water dealerships need care and attention. They cannot be neglected for weeks. It is assumed that these business operators can attend on-site, work on-line, and protect the boats they are selling. Please confirm.
Allowed but with COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Restrictions Transport, Other Services
Does the allowable reference to glass extend to fiberglass and fiberglass built boats? Presume yes. Please confirm.
Allowed but with High Risk COVID Safe Plans. Stage 4 Manufacturing (note 33% reduction compared to peak capacity) Statewide single site only.
Can this take place in a sole operator setting?
Not Permitted. Stage 4 Restrictions Administrative and Support Services
The following issues raised have been referred to DHHS and DPJR for clarification and these will be updated to BIAV members as soon as possible.
Why are wholesalers not allowed to operate in an online setting? The same as retailers. This makes no sense.
Vessels that can be delivered and dealt with without person to person contact can be serviced. Please confirm.
How does the building industry gain this advantage of reduced workforce and carry on, on some sites with hundreds of workers, whilst spacious and carefully laid out boat and trailer manufacturers, with an impeccable record, have to close? This seems unfair and even discriminatory. Please advise.
What restrictions are being placed on goods in transit during this six-week period including boats and engines? We presume these processes can be completed or items will be stranded. Please confirm.
We believe that supply chain, transport, towing, delivery etc can take place. We assume therefore that deliveries can be taken, and orders dispatched, in line with the work on-line requirements. Please confirm.
This extends to boats being ordered in from interstate and boats being sent interstate to a new owner or dealership. Please confirm.
Can a national distribution warehouse in Melbourne that supplies the country nationally remain open? We assume yes if person to person contact is limited or nil. Please confirm.
BIAV is developing further questions in relation to transporting items, travel lift usage, manufacturing, servicing and other areas. If you have a question to add to the list please concisely email stevew@biavic.com.au
Please see below the COVIDsafe planning documents that will be applicable for any businesses that are eligible to continue operations.
Are you accessing current Business support from Federal and State Government?
Extended Job Keeper Payment
Extended by a further six months to March 2021Job Trainer Skills Package (Wage Subsidy)
Eligible employers can apply for a wage subsidy of 50 per cent of the apprentice or trainee’s wages paid until 31 March 2021Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme
A scheme to alleviate financial hardship faced by tenants and landlords as a result of Coronavirus (COVID-19)Temporary Relief for Financially Distressed Businesses
Including temporary relief from directors’ personal liability for trading while insolvent.SME Guarantee Scheme
The Government will provide a guarantee of 50 per cent to small and medium enterprise (SME) lenders for new unsecured loans to be used for working capital.
Business Support Fund - Apply for the new Victorian government financial support package ‘Additional business support announced Monday 3 August’
Business Support Fund - Expansion
$10,000 for affected businesses in the Greater Melbourne and Mitchell Shire area
$5,000 for affected businesses in Regional Victoria
Note: Applications for the program will be extended until 14 September 2020
What can you do if you close your business for the 6 weeks during Stage 4 Restrictions?
How do you hibernate or ‘mothball’ your business safely?
Putting Your Business into Hibernation
What can you do if you can stay open?
Online operations, click and collect, contactless pickup delivery under stage 4 restrictions.
04/08/20 10:45am
BIAV Members will be well aware that yesterday, 3 August, the Premier made a major announcement in relation to workplace arrangements. This is summarised in the Government Stage 4 document here.
BIAV is making a case to government that supports business continuing wherever possible, and has put forward a suite of questions to the government, directly to the Minister. Some responses are expected today.
Some things are clear. There are however several grey areas and queries. And some inconsistencies between differing industries.
The questions are in areas relating to –
Retailers and in what non-contact (online) circumstances they can trade
Wholesalers and in what circumstances they can trade
Servicing and in what circumstances this can take place
Marinas and Work yards and what functions are allowable
Manufacturing and what can take place including what exemptions can be sought.
Orders already in place with the assumption that these must be fulfilled
Transport/Delivery/Freight and what can and must continue by road and by water
Admin/General and what office situations can remain open including under the sole operator scenario
As soon as responses filter through, an update will be provided to you.
03/08/20 11:30am
As all BIAV members are no doubt aware, on Sunday 2 August, the Premier has declared a State of Disaster for Melbourne.
This means Stage 4 restrictions for Melbourne and Stage 3 restrictions for Regional Victoria.
We have been in immediate contact with the Minister and the Better Boating Victoria CEO. This has been to seek clarity with regard to the below, and we will provide further updates to you as soon as possible.
To view the State Government’s SUMMARY OF RESTRICTIONS – MOVE TO STAGE 4 as of 6PM 2 AUGUST 2020, please click here.
Meanwhile, our understanding is –
For Melbourne
Recreational activities such as fishing, golf, boating, tennis, surfing and drive range shooting are not allowed.
For Regional Victoria
Outdoor sport is only allowed to exercise, or activities such as fishing, golf, boating, tennis, surfing allowed with one other person or household members, provided 1.5 metre distance can be maintained.
Further Clarity
BIAV seeks further clarity for Melbourne with regard to boating type activities that can be done alone or with one other, within one hour, and within 5km from home (e.g. windsurfing, sailing, paddle).
BIAV Position
BIAV understands the need for restrictions and a sensible approach to tackling the crisis. However notes that at the first possible opportunity boating and fishing restrictions should be reviewed for the following main reasons –
Boating/Fishing is naturally isolating and safe.
Boating/Fishing is people’s exercise and mental wellness.
Business Survival / Jobs - the effect last time when activity was banned was immediate and drastic.
For Melbourne
Markets and shopping centres are open, subject to density quotient, but people can only visit for necessary goods and services. BIAV assumes this extends to boat dealers, service centres, chandleries etc. However will seek clarity.
For Regional Victoria
Other retail are open, subject to density quotient, but people can only visit for necessary goods and services.
Further Clarity
BIAV seeks further clarity in both scenarios and will update as soon as possible.
Further clarity is also sought with regard to dispatch, delivery, freight and interstate/inter-region transportation of goods including boats.
BIAV Position
BIAV for a range of reasons supports these businesses remaining open. These include, however are not limited to –
An important safety case. Providing flares, epirbs and other safety equipment.
To keep servicing going so when restrictions ease, boats will be safe.
Servicing can be done with nil or minimal person to person contact.
These businesses can operate safely and within COVID requirements.
Pipeline of this work. Orders have been placed, must be filled etc.
Servicing cannot afford to ‘back-log’. It will never catch up.
Business Survival / Jobs - the effect last time was immediate and drastic.
We are awaiting the Premier’s announcements later today with regard to business and manufacturing. BIAV would be of the view that the manufacturers in the boating industry have been operating in a COVID complaint manner and that this would continue in Stage 3 for Regional Victoria and Stage 4 for Melbourne.
There has been immediate media speculation regarding additional Victorian specific stimulus and support. BIAV will continue to monitor this and share all opportunities with members. BIAV will do all it can to make government aware of what impact these restrictions will have on the industry, and jobs, as was the dire case during the April – June lockdown.
20/07/20 1:30pm
I live in Melbourne. Can I undertake recreational activities like fishing/boating?
Yes. From 11:59pm on 8 July, if you live in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, you can leave home for permitted exercise and recreation activities that are outdoors and can be done by yourself, members of your household, or with one other person.
You must be able to maintain a 1.5 metre distance and no equipment should be shared.
This includes, fishing, boating, surfing, recreational diving, learning to drive, or reading in a park. However, you cannot drive a long way from your home to do these activities, if they can be done closer to home.
You cannot leave the metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire for sporting or recreational activities. This is an important step to help us slow the spread of the virus.
While you can do these activities in metropolitan Melbourne or Mitchell Shire, you should stay close to home and use common sense and consideration when it comes to these activities.
Read Full DHHS Covid-19 Update for Sports and Exercise
The state government has altered its general advice on the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website, stating Victorians must not stray from their suburb of principal residence.
See Nine News Coronavirus Victoria New Restrictions for Exercise, Recreational Activity and Shopping
13/07/20 10:30am
Click here to visit the Better Boating Victoria website to see the conditions that allow people to boat / fish.
In summary -
If you live in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, you can go fishing and boating within metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire with one other person or with your household.
You cannot travel outside of metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire to go boating and fishing.
If you live outside of metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, existing restrictions still apply – but you cannot travel into metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire to go boating and fishing.
Commercial fishing can continue at this time.
Charter fishing is permitted as long as physical distancing is adhered to. More information is being sought re numbers however it appears to be a maximum of 2.
Boating related business should be able to continue to function so long as it relates to work that cannot be done from home, and for the customer, it is activity that is necessary.
Subject to having a permit for each person on board all recreational and commercial vessels, including houseboats, Victorians that aren’t subject to Stage 3 restrictions will be allowed to fish and boat on the Murray. See this link for more details about the permit requirements.
To obtain a permit from Services NSW please click on this link. Those undertaking this must not land on the NSW side (i.e. northern bank) of the river. All boats launched in Victoria must be retrieved back in Victoria. NSW police have indicated that they will be patrolling this.
The Treasurer Tim Pallas has, on 10 July, announced that support will soon be available for businesses in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire affected by the current Stage 3 Stay at Home restrictions. Amounts, terms, conditions and criteria were not outlined so we aren’t able to outline which, if any of our members, will be eligible. However if you are in any way affected, please apply now.
The Federal Government recently announced that as of 1 July 2020, Australia’s 3.5 million small and family businesses will be paying less tax as a result of legislated company tax cuts.
With the beginning of the 2020-2021 financial year, incorporated small and family businesses with a turnover of less than $50 million will see their company tax rate reduced from 27.5 per cent to 26 per cent.
Unincorporated businesses will also benefit with the increase of the small business income tax offset from eight per cent to 13 per cent.
Exhibitor Opportunity for the Melbourne Virtual Boat & Fishing Show closes at the absolute latest at 3:00 pm tomorrow (14/7). To register, click here. To see the Invitation to Exhibit, click here. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!
08/07/20 10:30am
No doubt all BIAV members will have heard the news of the extended lockdown for Greater Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, announced by Premier Andrews on 7 July.
We are hopeful, and confident, that the boating industry and community can get through this set back, as it has to date with regard to the Coronavirus.
In summary, for six weeks, in Greater Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, there’ll be only four reasons to leave your home:
Shopping for food and essential items.
Care and caregiving.
Work and study – if you can’t do it from home.
BIAV understands that –
Boating and Fishing are permitted, so long as its close to home, and involves no travel outside Greater Melbourne or Mitchell Shire. Or travel into those areas. This advice was stated by the Premier, and further confirmed in a call to the BIAV CEO by the Minister for Fishing and Boating Melissa Horne.
Work and servicing customers, that cannot be done from home, is permitted. Subject of course to social distancing and hygiene requirements. BIAV member businesses can therefore continue to operate including sales, servicing, towing, testing and other operations.
Boat ramps and other water access points to the Murray River (NSW water) from Victoria is not allowed.
We will continue to monitor things and provide business and other advice as soon as it comes to hand.
Further Links:
01/07/2020 10:30am
The State Government has a $5k grant available for businesses that are operating within a postcode affected by the return to Stage 3 restrictions to help them get through to the other side of the local lockdown.
Businesses can apply if they:
are operating in a postcode that is affected by the return to Stage 3 restrictions (not necessarily their registered address); and
are an employing business; and
are currently registered to pay GST; and
have a payroll of less than $3 million per annum; and
hold an Australian Business Number (ABN) and have held that ABN at 16 March 2020 (date of the State of Emergency declaration); and
have been engaged in carrying out the operation of the business in Victoria on 16 March 2020.
Click Here to see all the info on the Business Vic Website
Click Here to Register your Interest and await further info from Business Vic (State Gov).
01/06/20 1:00 pm
From today, 1 June, BIAV understands that overnight stays for camping, caravanning and houseboating are allowed.
This is an extract from the state government’s Business Victoria which you can see further information at this link.
Camping ground or caravan parks can be opened for reasons of recreation and tourism, provided communal facilities such as shared showers and kitchens remain closed. Communal toilet facilities will remain open and physical distancing and regular cleaning must be implemented. On-site accommodation, which requires the use of communal areas such as shared showers and kitchens, remains restricted.
BIAV understands that overnighting is therefore permissible on all boat types, not just houseboats, so long as the boat is self-contained in terms of kitchen and bathroom facilities, and all social distancing requirements are adhered to.
22/05/20 2:20 pm
The BIAV supports the government in keeping all workplaces and employees safe during this difficult time. Please take the time to read and implement the 10 workplace principles Safe Work has developed.
A message from Safe Work Australia -
Recognising that the COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency, that all actions in respect of COVID-19 should be founded in expert health advice and that the following principles operate subject to the measures agreed and implemented by governments through the National Cabinet process. The principles include -
All workers, regardless of their occupation or how they are engaged, have the right to a healthy and safe working environment.
The COVID-19 pandemic requires a uniquely focused approach to work health and safety (WHS) as it applies to businesses, workers and others in the workplace.
18/05/20 3:00 pm
The Boating Industry Association of Victoria hopes you have had a chance to get out on your boat since the restrictions were eased last week. The BIAV hopes you enjoyed the beautiful weather and the company of your family and friends.
During this time, it is still extremely important to follow the rules of social distancing whilst out on your boat. Please see below a video from the BIAV President David Meehan, CEO Steve Walker and Maritime Safety Victoria's Gareth Johnson as they talk about boating safely under current restrictions.
11/05/20 1:30 pm
The Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has advised that outdoor activities involving groups under 10 people can take place from midnight Tuesday 12 May.
This means that with social distancing in place, boating can return to Victorian Waters.
The Premier specifically said “You can go out in your tinny, so long as you practice social distancing”, during his 11am press conference this morning (11 May).
Our understanding is that this extends to all forms of boating whether it be tow sport related, sailing (small crews), fishing, cruising or just going to a marina berthed vessel (however not for overnight stays and without clubhouses being opened). We would assume also that charter and tourism activities that can provide social distancing on board, and keep groups under 10, should be good to resume.
Validating this is a comment from the Boating Minister on her Facebook page as follows - Jaala Pulford MP - "For the avoidance of doubt, fishing and boating are allowed, so long as appropriate physical distancing is maintained". To view this, click here.
BIAV has been calling for this progress for some weeks now and we are delighted that the Premier has made this announcement today, as part of the first step toward recovery. To read the Premier’s announcement, which we applaud, please click here.
We thank the Premier, the Boating and Fishing Minister Jaala Pulford, the Better Boating Victoria CEO Gary Gaffney, and all other government officials that have worked toward this step being reached. We also acknowledge the efforts of all industry and boating community members that have acted in the interests of this happening.
BIAV encourages all members of the boating community to act sensibly, to follow the social distancing requirements, adopt heightened hygiene measures, and stay safe as you return to Victoria’s magnificent waterways.
11/05/20 2:00 pm
Please find below some clarity on the easing of boating and fishing restrictions. The following relevant Q&As have just been uploaded to the DHHS website. Please note social distancing and gathering numbers still apply.
Can I go fishing? Can I go fishing with friends?
Under new arrangements to come into effect at 11:59 pm on Tuesday 12 May, you can go fishing or hunting, in groups of no more than 10 people. You must ensure 1.5 metres can be maintained between yourself and others. Fishing or hunting competitions can’t currently occur.
As always though, Victorians are being asked to be considered and use common sense when it comes their activities. You should only leave home if you really need to. We are all being asked to make sacrifices in order to save lives. You must also ensure that you can drive there and back within one day.
Can I go boating?
Under the new directions, recreational boating is now permissible. Physical distancing and mass gathering rules apply at all times – including at the boat ramp and on your boat. As always though, Victorians are being asked to be considered and use common sense when it comes their activities. You should only leave home if you really need to. We are all being asked to make sacrifices in order to save lives.
Can I get out on the water in my boat with a mate? It's a small boat. Do we need to be physically distant?
Under the new directions, you can go out boating. But you must maintain 1.5 metres between yourself and others. If you are doing these activities in a group there should be no more than 10 people.
07/05/20 4:00 pm
May 11 marks the end of the current state of emergency in Victoria.
We’ve been campaigning for several weeks for a return of boating and fishing to Victorian waters. We’ve backed this campaign with what we’ve called the ‘Big 4’ reasons, and made an impassioned plea to the Premier.
The Federal Government has released a set of National Principles for the resumption of Sport and Recreation activities. These principles complement and add to what we have been saying and really emphasise outdoor activities, small groups, a staged process, mental wellness and other boating relevant factors.
The Premier is considering what changes will occur after May 11.
Our expectation levels therefore are very high that there will be relaxation of the restrictions on boating and fishing.
We will keep you posted.
07/05/20 4:00 pm
Government have given further email responses to what can and cannot happen in the current lockdown with regard to work related activities and boats. Whilst we hope to see some changes after May 11, the current FAQs on the government’s website can be seen at this link. Last week we listed these further Q and A's that the government provided, to see click here.
And this week the additions are –
Q. Can I tow home a new boat that I’ve purchased and/or tow in a boat that I’m trading in or selling to a dealer?
A. Short answer, yes. Make sure that you have evidence that this is business, not a trip to the bay.
Q. As a mechanic I can service a boat however often need to do an on-water test to finalise the process. Can this take place via a public boat ramp facility?
A. Such permission should be sought on a case-by-case basis via MSV (who can liaise with VicPol Water Police).
Q. My work requires that I do on-water filming and product review of recreational vessels. Can this take place via a public boat ramp facility?
A. Such permission should be sought on a case-by-case basis via MSV (who can liaise with VicPol Water Police).
05/05/20 1:00 pm
On May 1st the Prime Minister announced that the National Cabinet has endorsed measures for the resumption of sport and recreation activities across Australia and released a guiding set of Principles.
The Principles include 15 conditions that will help provide a pathway for a staged return of community and professional sport, as well as recreational activities, without compromising the health of individuals or the community.
The Principles can be found here.
Importantly, National Cabinet agreed to bring forward the 8th May review of removing baseline restrictions, including an assessment of achievement against conditions proposed by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee. AHPPC advice is that of 15 precedent conditions needed to be in place to consider relaxing restrictions, Australia is currently on track to meet 11 conditions.
National Cabinet agreed to meet again today, Tuesday May 5th. Fingers are crossed!
30/04/20 4:30 pm
Yesterday we got wind that several of our member businesses were to be knocked back for the State Government’s Business Support Fund $10k Stimulus program. This was in relation to a supposed industry code that indicated that the boating industry wasn’t impacted as much and didn’t qualify. We were alarmed by this.
After contacting the Boating Minister Jaala Pulford and alerting her to this situation we understand now that the problem has been rectified. The Minister has liaised with the Minister in charge of Business Victoria and they’ve provided an assurance that boating industry members will not be excluded. Affected members need to -
Email Steve Walker
Include the exact business name the application was made under
Include their ABN
To be clear as to which stimulus program this relates to please click here.
30/04/20 4:30 pm
Today the Boating Minister’s team has provided some further clarity as to some of the work/industry/maintenance/safety related activities that can currently take place. We are grateful that this information has been provided and will continue to liaise with the Minister to have more situations clarified. These clarifications complement the information already available on the Better Boating Victoria government website, under FAQ's, at this link, such as the current entitlement for boat dealers to take customers for boat test/demonstrations.
Here are these further outlined scenarios –
Can I access a berthed, moored or anchored vessel for the purposes of undertaking necessary maintenance or take my boat to a mechanic?
Under the Stay at Home Directions there are provisions for people to leave their ordinary place of residence for emergency purposes.
In relation to accessing a vessel for maintenance, you may be permitted to conduct maintenance on your vessel for emergency purposes only e.g, to prevent your boat from sinking or to visit a mechanic.
Can I move my moored, anchored or berthed vessel ahead of bad weather?
Under the Stay at Home Directions there are provisions for people to leave their ordinary place of residence for emergency purposes.
It may be permitted to move a moored, anchored or berthed vessel in certain limited circumstances. This would include emergency purposes relating to a boat at threat of sinking or to repair damage that would cause a boat to sink. This situation would need to be assessed on a case by case basis because there are only limited reasons for a person to leave their ordinary place of residence.
Am I allowed to use a boat to get to my house if it in an isolated location?
Yes, if this house is your ordinary place of residence, then this is permissible.
Authorised officers will be conducting random inspections of all boating activity on the water and will use discretion where appropriate.
30/04/20 4:30 pm
There is some speculation that there could be some relaxation of the boating/fishing bans from 11 May when the state government’s state of emergency concludes. This will depend on a few important factors including the results of the 100,000 person random COVID-19 testing that is about to commence.
As you would be aware, BIAV is pushing for a return to safe and sensible boating and fishing as soon as possible. This is for the ‘Big 4’ reasons, that you can see on this video plea to the Premier here.
The BIAV CEO has sent an impassioned plea to the Premier and Boating Minister in relation to the boating industry and its prospects for survival.
You can view the two minute video here.
20/04/2020 1:00 pm
With the government clearing the way for self-powered vessels, aka - canoes / kayaks / paddle boards, there is hope that engine and wind powered boating won’t be far behind.
As a reader of recent BIAV communications you’ll be aware that we are making the case for this as strongly as we can and amongst other things, are basing this on what we are referring to as ‘The Big 4’ –
National Consistency
Give the industry a chance of survival, save thousands more jobs
Exercise including mental wellness - enjoy this important video clip in relation to this
Evidence that it can be done safely and in line with the COVID requirements
As things change, and we hope they do, we will keep you posted. Meanwhile please feel free to add to this discussion and do whatever you can to influence that these next steps be taken.
If you have any queries or ideas, don’t hesitate to contact CEO Steve Walker here.
To read the Herald Sun item, click here.
20/04/2020 1:00 pm
To ensure businesses correctly apply for the Job Keeper payment, please follow the steps below:
1. Get your eligible JobKeeper employees to fill in the JobKeeper Employee Nomination Form.
2. Enrol your business for JobKeeper -
You or your registered tax or BAS agent can enrol for the JobKeeper payment.
Log in to the Business Portal using myGovID.
Select 'Manage employees' then the link for the JobKeeper payment.
Fill in the JobKeeper enrolment form and provide your:
eligibility information
expected number of eligible employees
contact and bank details.
Notify all your eligible employees you have nominated them.
To ensure you receive your JobKeeper payments as early possible, you should enrol by the end of April. However, enrolments are open till the end of May if you need more time.
3. More information on enrolling for JobKeeper Payment on the ATO JobKeeper Payment Webpage
16/04/20 5:00 pm
We thank all of our highly engaged members that are working with BIAV through this tough time and doing what can be done to influence good outcomes. As you’d be aware we are in constant contact to government in relation to what is currently allowed from an industry/work perspective, what should be allowed, and how soon would it be sensible for the non-boating/fishing rules to be eased.
We’ve asked for urgent attention to service related issues, using boat ramps (for business), customers towing to service, and all other business related activities, that are necessary, and that can be done with safe distancing. With pleas to government that it be clarified that these activities be allowed. We are again seeking written confirmation on these matters today and will keep you posted.
Beyond that we are also seeking a sensible and staged return to boating/fishing activity based on the reasons that we refer to as The ‘Big 4’ –
National Consistency
Give the industry a chance of survival, save thousands more jobs
Exercise including mental wellness - enjoy this important video clip in relation to this
Evidence that it can be done safely and in line with the COVID requirements
We hope to have some immediate progress on the servicing and industry issues straight away, and then on a return to sensible boating shortly thereafter. Stay tuned.
Updated 16/04/20 5:00 pm
If you haven't saved the link to register your interest or apply for the Job Keeper Federal Stimulus, see the link below for you to save and use. BIAV understand you can apply from April 20.
15/04/2020 1:15 PM
Last week the Federal Government announced a range of measures to help commercial tenants and landlords.
This included a moratorium on evictions and a mandatory code of conduct for commercial leases aimed at supporting eligible small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) affected by Coronavirus.
See the Prime Minister’s media update on Coronavirus measures here.
The Code of Conduct sets out several ‘good faith’ leasing principles, to be separately legislated and regulated by each State and Territory.
The Code of Conduct will apply to all SME tenancies that are suffering “financial stress or hardship” (as that term is defined in legislation) as a result of the Covid‑19 pandemic, where the tenant:
is eligible for the Commonwealth Government’s JobKeeper programme, and
has an annual turnover of up to $50 million.
To view the State Government response currently on relief for commercial tenants, click here.
To read the Guide to the Mandatory Code of Conduct for commercial rent relief, click here.
To watch the video of Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell explains what the mandatory commercial tenancy code means for small businesses struggling with rent costs, click here.
09/04/20 2:00 pm
The Victorian Government has issued a media release in relation to boat ramp and marine infrastructure closure. Click here to see it in full.
This of course relates to the COVID-19 crisis, the need to keep everyone safe, and the four main reasons why people are permitted to leave their home.
You would be well aware that BIAV is respecting all COVID-19 related social distancing and other requirements, and is grateful for the government’s efforts and thoroughness. At the same time however we are seeking sensible measures that will keep the boating industry open and give it the best chance of survival.
Whilst there is a long way to go in tackling the crisis and keeping the industry going, BIAV is pleased with the below reference within the media release –
Commercial shipping, commercial boating, land, port and waterway management functions and emergency access are exempt from these restrictions.
Further to this, within the FAQ section which can be viewed at this link, there is specific reference to boat testing and demonstration being allowed if in a commercial setting.
Industry members should note that whatever commercial activity is being undertaken, that it be deemed as essential. This may be for safety, warranty, insurance or urgent maintenance purposes, and it must be something that cannot be delayed. Evidence as to this may be requested by authorities.
In the short term, and ideally just after Easter, we hope to get even greater clarity around the reference to commercial boating and what is specifically allowed.
The government COVID hotline can be contacted on 1800 675 398 if anyone has a grey area they seek clarity on.
We hope that over the next couple of weeks that the curve continues to improve and at the right time our boating community can return to recreational boating.
Meanwhile, we wish everyone the best possible Easter and given that you can’t go boating, please spend the time dreaming about your next boating adventure.
06/04/2020 4:00 pm
The Boating Industry Association of Victoria calls on the Minister for Fishing and Boating Hon Jaala Pulford to influence Victoria’s Premier and Chief Medical Officer, at the first possible opportunity to –
1. Re-instate boating and fishing during Stage 3 (when done with the correct and specific social distancing and gathering rules).
There is a long list of reasons to support this however the ‘big 3’ and most compelling are –
To bring Victoria in line with the rest of Australia.
To give the industry a fighting chance of survival and to not unnecessarily cripple it, jeopardising thousands more jobs.
To provide a huge number of people their exercise including, most importantly, their mental wellness remedy.
With regard to that first point, and the pursuit of national consistency, it is a compelling case that the other seven premiers and territory leaders, and the other seven chief health officers, see boating/fishing, when done correctly, as acceptable.
2. Provide clarity that boats, trailers and equipment can be taken for service during Stage 3.
Yes, servicing can take place. This has already been acknowledged. Owners however are frightened of being fined, and frowned upon, if they are caught/seen towing to their service centre.
Our understanding of the Non-essential Activities Notices and the Stay at Home Directions is that this activity is allowable.
This is a massively important aspect of the boating/fishing industry and a weapon to help keep the industry alive in this crisis. And an extremely important safety tool for when boats do go back on the water.
A clear statement to the public, as well as to the Police Minister and police, that this is allowed, is urgently required.
3. Ensure that boat dealers and manufacturers have the same access to boating infrastructure, including boat ramps, as do commercial fishing operations.
Business relies on on-water engine testing as part of build and maintenance requirements. This can and will be done in strict compliance of social distancing and related requirements. Boat testing likewise, is an essential business aspect and must be maintained if business is to continue.
The Prime Minister has clearly stated that any work that can be done is essential, and should continue. Boat delivery, boat servicing, on-water engine testing, general boat testing and other industry activity can, and is currently being done, within social distancing and all other COVID-19 requirements. Without delay, we ask that it be communicated that these practices are acceptable and must continue.
On behalf of the industry and the wider boating/fishing community, the BIAV urges the Minister to campaign the Premier and Chief Medical Officer in Victoria for an immediate and escalated review of this situation.
Queries in relation to this can be directed to the BIAV CEO Steve Walker at stevew@biavic.com.au or on 0466 918 368.
03/04/2020 7:00 pm
There has been some movement today (3/4/20) with regard to the important questions below. Please see the most up to date information that we can provide.
Can your retail business stay open?
Yes, so long as all social distancing and other requirements are met.
Can a customer leave their house to come to an open retail business?
Yes, so long as all social distancing and other requirements are met
Can a customer take their boat for service?
There has been some advice and commentary today saying no to this.
The Chief Medical Officer’s advice on this is not clear.
We have challenged this and expect a firm answer by Monday.
Meanwhile, it is definitely OK for a service centre or transport company to collect and deliver a boat for service at a service centre and for the boat to be serviced.
What do Stage 3 Restrictions mean for going boating?
This has not changed today.
At this stage recreational boating is not allowed.
We are advocating and campaigning for a review of this decision at the Boating Minister’s and Premier’s first opportunity.
If you’d like to read the Chief Medical Officers announcement that references recreational boating, please click here.
Click here to see further information in relation to these questions.
02/04/2020 5:30 pm
BIAV is working hard to ensure our member businesses get all assistance available. This includes access to the government support packages as outlined on this page, and as presented at the recent Video Conference which a recording of is on this link. BIAV also seeks to make sure boat ramps and marine facilities stay open to you for business purposes and at this stage believe this is the case. We’ll have more advice on boat ramps as it comes to hand.
BIAV is are making a case also, that recreational boating/fishing should be allowed at Stage 3 of the COVID crisis management. This is based on a long list of reasons that we have pushed with government and attempted to have escalated to the Premier and Cabinet level. The top three reasons on this long list are –
To come in line with NSW, Qld, TAS and SA.
To give the industry that employs thousands a fighting chance
Boating/Fishing is many people’s exercise (not to mention mental health outlet)
On this web page below, the following questions are answered in detail -
Can your retail business stay open?
Can a customer leave their house to come to an open retail business?
What do Stage 3 Restrictions mean for going recreational boating?
The short answer to these questions is Yes, Yes, and You Can’t Go.
We are wanting to make sure businesses and their customers know they can stay open and people can come to them (so long as they follow the Stage 3 social distancing rules etc).
If you are staying open then here are some things you can do -
Keep an eye on BIAV EDM’s for updated advice, especially if you are eligible for government assistance.
Let BIAV know if you are unsure how to access government assistance and BIAV will help you.
Let your customers know you are open for business.
Let your customers know they can leave their homes to bring their boat in for a service, to pick up their boat or to buy equipment.
Be innovative in this difficult time. There are some good examples of innovative marketing appearing from our industry.
BIAV recognize that health and getting through the COVID crisis is the number one priority, however we will continue to lobby/advocate for sensible measures in regard to boating, and at this stage that means reversing the recreational ban as soon as possible.
The BIAV is facilitating the connection between our member businesses who require skilled staff for limited work and members who may have these staff available. Whilst the main areas might be technicians and marine mechanics, all areas of work are included.
Simply register your interest on the following confidential forms and a BIAV staff member will contact you immediately.
Expression of Interest - Staff Required
Expression of Interest - Staff Availability
31/03/20 1:00 pm
Click here to see the answers to the below questions.
Can your retail business stay open?
Can a customer leave their house to come to an open retail business?
What do Stage 3 Restrictions mean for going boating?
Updated 31/03/20 12:00 pm
The Prime Minister has just announced (30/3/20) that many businesses will receive a fortnightly wage subsidy up to $1,500 per employee as part of a Federal Government bid to prevent millions of people from losing their jobs to the Coronavirus pandemic. This will be for a six-month period and may be of enormous assistance to some BIAV member businesses.
BIAV hosted a very well attended and successful video conference on 27 March in relation to Government stimulus packages – Federal and State.
To watch the 43 minute video and learn about available support, click here.
Note – this does not include the 30 March Job Keeper package announced by the Prime Minister.
31/03/2020 1:00 pm
The Victorian Government has launched the $500 million Business Support Fund to help small businesses survive the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and keep people in work.
The Fund is part of the Victorian Government’s $1.7 billion Economic Survival Package.
Potential Value of Grant
Funding of $10,000 per business is available and will be allocated through a grant process.
Small businesses are eligible if they:
employ staff
have been subject to closure or are highly impacted by Victoria’s Non-Essential Activity Directions issued by the Deputy Chief Health Officer to-date
have a turnover of more than $75,000
have payroll of less than $650,000.
30/03/2020 1:30 pm
With regret, the Board and Staff at BIAV advise that for 2020 the RACV Marine Melbourne Boat Show will not take place.
This, as you will all be well aware, follows several weeks of close monitoring of the COVID-19 situation, extensive consultation with industry, and also with government and our venue MCEC.
We thank everyone for their support of the Show over many years including this year, and for your patience as this decision process played out. For the Show’s 60th iteration however, we will have to look forward to celebrating that in 2021.
Meanwhile BIAV will –
Refund all exhibitor deposits and payments in a timely manner. Please complete and submit the Melbourne Boat Show Refund Form to help expediate this process.
Help members to source and secure financial support to assist them through this crisis. Click Here to see a list of Federal and State Government Stimulus Packages on the BIAV site.
Work with government authorities to decipher what must be kept functioning from a marine infrastructure perspective, and as the Shut-down stages progress, what is allowed, and indeed what is beneficial, in terms of recreational boating.
At the appropriate time do all we can to highlight the benefits of boating, the self and small group isolation virtues of boating, and do everything else possible to re-build interest in and demand for boating.
Anything else we can so as to support members and the boating community.
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact CEO Steve Walker on stevew@biavic.com.au.
25/03/2020 5:00 pm
Please note that The Board, Staff and I are working as fast as possible, and with the MCEC, with regard to the RACV Marine Melbourne Boat Show. We hope to be able to properly update you by the end of this week. If you seek any further clarity on this please call me on 0466 918 368.
This Friday we will be joined by our accountant and audit advisor Andrew Draffin to review the host of stimulus package opportunities. This will be at 11:30 am on Friday 27 March.
This will be a video conference via the Zoom platform. If you are keen to participate please provide the email address that you would like to use to be invited to the conference to communications@biavic.com.au. Please do so by 9:30 am on Friday.
You will then be emailed a link to click on from 11 am on Friday so as to join in. The main topics to be covered are the below listed Federal and State Government stimulus packages.
24/03/2020 3:00 pm
Dear Members and Exhibitors,
As government related support opportunities are announced we will relay these to you as quickly as possible. To date there have been two rounds of Stimulus announcements by the Federal Government, and one round by the Victorian State Government.
We hope also at some point to be able to provide additional expertise and advice around some of these opportunities and will look into webinar or other on-line conferencing to help achieve this.
Please also note that the BIAV Board is meeting for a second time later this week with regard to the RACV Marine Melbourne Boat Show and its status for 2020. Please don’t hesitate to call Steve Walker on 0466 918 368 if you would like further clarity on this.
We will keep you updated.
24/03/2020 9:00 am
As part of a $1.7 billion economic survival package, the Victorian Government has announced $500 million to establish a Business Support Fund to assist small to medium businesses most impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. The Victorian Government will do this to help businesses survive and keep people in work.
23/03/2020 10:15 am
BIAV understands that currently the majority of BIAV member businesses may remain open. The Premier’s statement from his announcement today (23/3/20) and on his website is below, listing what must close. The Premier re-iterated this on ABC radio at 9.30am on 23/3/20. Whilst the majority of our members appear to be able to remain open at this stage, the exceptions would be members that are yacht and boat clubs or other places that provide dine-in dining, or other indoor sport/entertainment. See the below list from the Premier’s announcement. Please also note the premier’s reference to no more than 25 people in a 10m x 10m space. And of course optimal hygiene and other social distancing requirements.
The businesses that will close due to the Stage 1 shutdown include pubs, clubs, nightclubs, Crown Casino, and licensed venues in hotels and pubs. It also includes gyms, indoor sporting venues, places of worship, cinemas and entertainment venues. Restaurants and cafes will only be allowed to provide home delivery or takeaway services.
16/3/20 4:00 pm
Further to last Thursday’s (12/03) message to all members/exhibitors, some updates –
Yes we remain positive, yet watchful. Ever so watchful as things develop and change at such a rapid rate.
We note the Prime Minister’s decree over the weekend that has resulted in the Victorian Premier announcing a State Of Emergency. And the resulting ban on public gatherings of more than 500 people. Noting that no end date has been placed on this other than it being for an initial 4-week period.
This announcement by the Premier included reference to MCEC events, and their status as non-essential.
MCEC has put an immediate stop to any events of more than 500 people. This is effective immediately. Whilst the end date of this is unknown, it can be assumed it is for the initial period of the State of Emergency – 4 weeks.
Numerous events and gatherings being cancelled or delayed. Ranging from the Grand Prix, right through to small community events.
The Victorian Government / Minister has agreed to a meeting tomorrow, to discuss the implications and financial risks involved for BIAV, the Boat Show and industry, and to contemplate support options.
The BIAV Board is reviewing and communicating with regard to this challenge on a daily basis. The Board formally meets on Monday 23 March at which time all options will be discussed and considered. Members will be advised of all key decisions and plans. Note, if needed, this meeting will be brought forward however the current date may suit well in terms of information gathering and having clear options to consider.
If a cancellation decision were to be made it would be done so on an as soon as possible basis, rather than holding off until a too late scenario. If that were to happen, alternate dates for later in the year may be considered and would depend on MCEC availability, date suitability from an exhibitor perspective, and various other factors.
Payments and bookings for the Boat Show continue, noting that if cancellation is imposed exhibitors will not be burdened financially.
The Federal Government has identified the risk and challenges to business as a result of COVID-19 and has responded with these initial stimulus package opportunities that you may wish to review/consider –
> Cash flow assistance for businesses through Boosting cash flow for employers and Supporting apprentices and trainees.
> Delivering support for business investment through Enhancing the instant asset write-off and Accelerating Depreciation Deductions
12/03/20 3:45 pm
BIAV continues to be positive with regard to the RACV Marine Melbourne Boat Show and its planning. The Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre maintains its position of being Open for Business and Welcoming Guests. That said, we remain watchful with regard to COVID-19 and in particular to what authorities are recommending, and what is happening with regard to other major events and gatherings. So in summary, we are being positive but watchful. Exhibitors have been assured that if things change for any reason, there will not be financial burden on them. All exhibitors that have been in contact have indicated support of this approach. Like BIAV, they are hoping that the landscape reaches its low point soon, and then starts to correct. We will remain watchful and keep communicating with our members/exhibitors.
Meanwhile from an operational perspective it is largely business as usual. The office remains open. Simple expectations are; regular provision and use of hand sanitiser, heightened hygiene adherence, avoidance of non-essential travel and meetings, openness with regard to recent travel or contact with at-risk people, and, avoidance of kiss/hug/handshake type greetings.
For further expert advice of a general nature, visit the Victorian Government website here.
06/03/20 1:40 pm
Planning is powering ahead for the celebratory 60th anniversary Show. We have been delighted with the exhibitor response and thank those regulars that are back again for another year. We also welcome several new exhibitors, you can see them listed below.
There has obviously been some trepidation in the community recently and as a result we are monitoring the advice of the authorities and keeping a close eye on other major events. At this stage all are going ahead as planned and MCEC has advised they are open for business and continuing to welcome visitors. We remain very positive and continue all aspects of planning.
Are you accessing current Business support from Federal and State Government?
Business Support Fund - Apply for the new Victorian government financial support package ‘Additional business support announced Monday 3 August’
Business Support Fund - Expansion
$10,000 for affected businesses in the Greater Melbourne and Mitchell Shire area
$5,000 for affected businesses in Regional Victoria
Note: Applications for the program will be extended until 14 September 2020
What can you do if you close your business for the 6 weeks during Stage 4 Restrictions?
How do you hibernate or ‘mothball’ your business safely?
Putting Your Business into Hibernation
What can you do if you can stay open?
Online operations, click and collect, contactless pickup delivery under stage 4 restrictions.
Guide to Continuing Your Business