Position Statement

Marine & Coastal Policy


May 2018


  • The Marine and Coastal Policy is a key step in implementing the new Marine and Coastal Act 2018 (the Act).

  • The Marine and Coastal Policy provides guidance and long-term direction for the sustainable management and use of the marine and coastal environment in the face of challenges from climate change, population growth, and ageing coastal infrastructure.

  • The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has worked closely with BIAV to prepare and develop the policy.

Key Highlights of the New Policy:

  • Acknowledges the importance of use and development of the marine and coastal environment

  • Provides direction for strong strategic planning for sustainable use, development and access to the marine and coastal environment

  • Delivers Victoria’s first marine spatial planning framework


The BIAV welcomed the opportunity to provide input to the Marine and Coastal Policy and acknowledges the work undertaken by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DEWLP) in developing this policy and the exemplary consultation process

BIAV submission was based on the conclusion that -

  • The key driver of recreational boating activity (and therefore industry growth) is quality of access to State waters

  • A final Marine and Coastal policy must deliver a clearly defined policy suite aimed at surety for future marine business operations, improving quality of access for recreational boaters and direction for enhancing and protecting the marine and coastal estate

BIAV believes that:

  • The final Marine and Coastal Policy does provide a more focused level of guidance and direction for delivering better access to coastal waters

  • The policy will result in beneficial outcomes for delivering strategic and improved recreational boating access, and

  • DELWP is to be commended